Glass Straws
Our planet is our home, our only one. Where should we go if we destroy it.
Real islands made of plastic waste float in the world's oceans and not only endanger the fauna that lives there, but also the people who ingest so-called microplastics through the consumption of marine animals.
Dalai Lama

No wonder that states like California, cities like Washington DC and even associations of states like the European Union are currently banning single-use products from everyday life.

The only way out: reducing plastic and disposable products
Three billion plastic drinking straws end up in the trash. Every day. After a single use. With SCHOTT Straws, reusable drinking straws made of glass, this is a thing of the past.

- SUSTAINABLE Contribution to reducing plastic waste
- HYGIENIC Dishwasher safe
- QUALITATIVE Made in Germany
- STABIL design ensures high breaking strength
- PURE Without harmful substances such as plasticizers / mineral oil
- TRANSPARENT Clean? One look is enough
- FAIR Directly from the manufacturer, without unnecessary transport routes
- TASTE-NEUTRAL In contrast to paper, bamboo and metal, it has no effect on taste

A material that already fascinated the ancient Egyptians, still causes palpitations today

4 pieces
Glass Straws
200 mm
Bilder: © SCHOTT AG